Opinions de la Fundació Double Wear Stay-in-Place Opinions de la Fundació Double Wear Stay-in-Place Opinions de la Fundació Double Wear Stay-in-Place Opinions de la Fundació Double Wear Stay-in-Place Opinions de la Fundació Double Wear Stay-in-Place Opinions de la Fundació Double Wear Stay-in-Place Opinions de la Fundació Double Wear Stay-in-Place Opinions de la Fundació Double Wear Stay-in-Place Opinions de la Fundació Double Wear Stay-in-Place Opinions de la Fundació Double Wear Stay-in-Place Opinions de la Fundació Double Wear Stay-in-Place

Opinions de la Fundació Double Wear Stay-in-Place

La nostra base líquida més venuda té una resistència de 24 hores i una sensació lleugera i còmoda. Es veu impecable i natural a través de la calor i la humitat. No obstruirà els porus, no canviarà de color, no es tacarà ni es desprèn de la roba. Sense oli, controlant l'oli, provat per dermatòlegs i sense fragància!
Més de 55 tons. Potència de permanencia de 24 hores. La base número 1 als EUA.* Porteu confiança. Double Wear Makeup és la base de maquillatge mate fresca que té un aspecte impecable a tot el que et trobi. Desgast les 24 hores. Sense oli. Controla l'oli durant tot el dia. Resistent a la suor, la calor i la humitat. Base impermeable a prova de vida. Color real de 24 hores. Base líquida en una àmplia gamma de tons que afalaga tots. No es veurà gris en tons de pell més profunds. Unifica el to de pell desigual i cobreix les imperfeccions, una base de cobertura mitjana a completa. Se sent lleuger i tan còmode que no us creureu que és llarg. No cal retocs. La nostra millor base per a un ús llarg, Double Wear és el maquillatge que es manté al dia, independentment de on et porti el dia. Aplica una vegada i no t'ho pensis dues vegades. Troba el teu to perfecte: tria el nivell d'intensitat de la teva pell (des de clar fins a profund) i el to de fons (fresc, neutre o càlid). COM DETERMINAR EL TEU SUBTONEl subtono és la manera com es veu i es comporta la teva pell nua. Quina et sembla més? Matons freds (C): la pell nua té un to rosat i es crema fàcilment al sol. Matons neutres (N): la pell nua té un to més uniforme, no massa rosa ni daurat. Matons càlids (W) : La pell nua té un to daurat o oliva i es bronzeja fàcilment al sol.*Circana/US Prestige Beauty Total Measured Market, vendes d'unitats de productes de maquillatge, 12 mesos finals al desembre de 2023.
Amb la punta dels dits, una esponja o un raspall de base, suavitza la base líquida sobre la pell. Comença pel centre de la cara i barreja cap a fora. Afegiu-hi una mica més per crear-lo com una base de cobertura completa. CONSELLS PRO Agiteu bé i deixeu que qualsevol base líquida s'assequi completament abans de confirmar que és la vostra ombra perfecta. I proveu-la sempre a la cara (no al braç o al canell) per obtenir la màxima precisió. resultats.
Ingredients: Aigua\Aqua\Eau; ciclopentasiloxà; trimetilsiloxisilicat; Peg/Ppg-18/18 Dimeticona; Butilenglicol; Tribehenin; Diisostearat de poligliceril-3; sulfat de magnesi; acetat de tocoferil; polimetilsilsesquioxà; Meticona; Laureth-7; Goma Xantana; alúmina; Deshidroacetat de sodi; Hectorita de Disteardimonium; Goma de cel·lulosa; Carbonat de propilè; Hidroxihidrocinamat de pentaeritritil tetra-di-T-butil; fenoxietanol; [+/- Òxids de ferro (Ci 77491, Ci 77492, Ci 77499); mica; Diòxid de titani (Ci 77891)]


    2024-10-05 21:17


    I have a couple of foundations for different purposes. The sheer compact foundation is perfect for daily wear to the office. When my skin has breakouts or for special events, I turn to DW for full coverage. It covers old acne marks without transferring, applies easily, and leaves a smooth, blemish-free finish. The shade is perfect for me.

    2024-09-24 23:50

    US / Heather

    The formula is smooth, very effective, and easy to apply. The shade on the skin is very natural, does not need too much for good looking on skin. It does what a foundation is supposed to do, blends nicely and flawless, doesn't clog my pores or lead to ance, small problem I have for my sensitive skin. It does slightly fade, but still cover my imperfection well, however combining it with Urban Decay set spray helps staying on until you take it off.

    2024-07-27 14:47

    JP / Jitsuko

    I love to use this amazing foundation as it give me really natural matte finish, even with double application I still look cake-free, it just grab my skin seamlessly well and make it easy to use.

    2024-06-07 19:31

    US / LadyKelly

    Incredible founation I've ever used, I never expected such beautiful results, and it turely stay in place without rubbing off.

    2024-05-19 22:19

    NL / Melanie

    It's hydrating and buildable, allowing me to create a light to medium or full coverage look when I wanted to while still giving me a weightless, natural appearance. It lasts me all day long, by the end of the day, it might fade a little, but it still looks matte. That's why it hasn't caused me to break out, which is essential for my skin.

    2024-03-22 17:59

    US / Brendy

    It's the best foundation I've ever used!! It comes in so many colors, which is a big help for me to choose the right one that matches my skin tone the best. I have oily skin and I sweat a lot, but this looks incredible on my skin and stays in place when I'm sweating. It doesn't settle into pores, and it's easy to get off. I love this foundation!!

    2024-01-11 18:43

    ES / Beatriz

    After testing various foundations for so many years, this one stands out and I keep turning back to. No setting sprays are needed and truely control oil. Doesn't make skin feel sticky or has unwanted shine, neither too thick nor too liquid, and it never settles into fine lines.This is my all time favorite.

    2023-11-27 21:16

    ES / Ilona

    Since the day I started using this foundation, I've fallen in love with makeup. It simply makes me look beautiful, it can go lighter evenly without greasy at the end, so I don't have to use so many makeup products, which I really confused.

    2023-09-15 12:37

    KR / Yun-seo

    I have been using this foundation over 2 years and I am still stunning by it's freshness and long wearing without changing shades, as if it formulated for me, light weight and great coverage. I totally recommend sample initially before full size, you'll never regret it.

    2023-08-03 20:25

    FR / Sandrine

    The product was exactly I had hoped, love everything about this product, color, coverage, durablility. The delivery were made sooner than I thought.

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